Gift Fund
Loan Fund
Committee of 100
New Mission Start Program
Honorary Life Memberships and Memorials
Special Gifts Fund
One Year to Live
Developed by LMM in partnership with Lyman Coleman, pioneer of small group ministry, CEO and founder of Serendipity Publishing House the One Year to Live retreat is designed to be a life changing, lay led event.
As iron sharpens iron . . . so one man sharpens another. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proverbs 27:17
OYTL is a spiritual boot camp for men of all walks of life, who want to have a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ. It is for men who yearn for real relationships with other men and Our Savior. You will become a true band of brothers and exam your life. You will come out of the weekend a better man.